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Sackawa Canoe Club is a
Safe Sport member

CKC has appointed these Independent Safe Sport Officers for any person within the CKC community, at any level. You can contact them to report or discuss incidents of abuse or harassment of any kind. These officers are available to communicate in English or French, as well as officers identifying as male or female are always available based on the preference of the complainant.

CKC has contracted W&W Dispute Resolution Services for this role. They may be reached directly and independently through the email address This is a confidential email address which will only be accessed by one of the independent Safe Sport Officers.

Reports should be made within fourteen days of an incident, however all incidents of concern occurring within the CKC community from any time frame should be brought to the independent third party for review and follow up.

Reporting Abuse or Harassment is often a difficult process. To this end, a person can expect the following when contacting the independent safe sport officer:

• All reports will be kept entirely confidential, in line with the wishes of the person making
the complaint. This includes confidentiality from CKC staff.
• Complaint will be followed up on in a timely manner.
• The independent Safe Sport Officers are available to support persons making a
complaint through the process and will provide advice and guidance on steps as and if a
complaint proceeds.
• Your complaint will be taken seriously, and rigorously examined.
• Complaint will be managed in the language, and by an officer of the gender identity of
your choice.
Should any complaint or concern come to the attention of the CEO or any CKC representative, it
will immediately be forwarded to one of our Safe Sport Officers.



Quick reference to specific sections of the policy:
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Dispute Resolution
Policy Definitions
Screening Policy 
Screening Requirements Matrix


Summary of Updates to CKC Safe Sport Policy 2021
CKC Role Descriptions_Safe Sport Policies_2021
Member Declaration EN | FR 
CKC Safe Sport Policy & Adoption Q&A






159 First Lake Drive

Lower Sackville, NS

B4C 3J9


Tel: 902-252-7225

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